
Neck Pain

Neck injuries like whiplash are among the most common types of trauma you’re likely to suffer in an auto accident, particularly if your vehicle is hit from behind. If you’re experiencing neck pain following a road collision, Tulsa Accident Care Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma, has all the facilities you need from on-site diagnostic technologies to effective treatments and rehabilitation services. Walk-ins are welcome, or you can book a same-day appointment over the phone or online. Contact Tulsa Accident Care Center today for expert treatment of neck pain.

Neck Pain Q&A

Why do I have neck pain after an auto accident?
Neck pain is one of the most common complaints following auto accidents. Even neck injuries that might not seem serious at the time can develop in the weeks or months following your accident to become a severe source of neck pain.
A sudden impact like a car accident often violently stretches the ligaments and muscles in the neck and could damage the discs and vertebrae. The discs in your neck cushion the vertebrae and are a flexible material that’s soft inside and surrounded by a tough casing.
An auto accident could force your neck to move so fast and with such force that the discs suffer damage, allowing the soft center to squeeze out into your spinal canal. This type of injury is known as cervical disc herniation.
In an auto accident, you might suffer damage to only one disc, but it’s not uncommon for a series of discs to suffer injuries that lead to neck pain. The vertebrae could also fracture if your neck comes under enough pressure.
Of all causes of neck pain, the one most closely associated with auto accidents is whiplash.

What is whiplash?
The first step in diagnosing your back pain is to visit Tulsa Accident Care Center. A doctor there needs to examine you and find out how your accident Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when your head moves back and forth with excessive force, snapping down to your chest and rebounding again. The medical name for whiplash is cervical acceleration-deceleration (CAD) syndrome. It typically occurs when something collides with your vehicle from behind.
Symptoms of whiplash include:

  • Neck pain that worsens as you move
  • Stiff neck
  • Headaches that come from the base of your skull
  • Reduced range of motion in your neck and head
  • Fatigue and dizziness
  • Numbness or tingling in your arms
  • Discomfort in your shoulders, upper back, or arms

Whiplash injuries could affect any of the soft tissues in your neck, so you might have torn tendons, ligaments, and muscles, and possibly disc damage. Whiplash can also cause concussions.

How is neck pain treated?
Neck pain treatments vary, depending on the cause of your pain, but usually involve:

Pain-relieving medication and anti-inflammatories can help you to manage neck pain. It can be particularly disabling not to be able to move your head, so these treatments are very important. Tulsa Accident Care Center has an on-site pharmacy to fulfill prescriptions

Physical Therapy
Physical therapy combines exercises to strengthen the neck muscles and connective tissues with passive treatments such as:

  • Heat and ice therapy
  • Use of a neck collar or brace
  • Ultrasound therapy
  • Traction
  • Electrical muscle stimulation
  • Massage therapy
  • Phonophoresis

These techniques offer safe, effective ways to heal damaged tissues and help you recover from your injuries.
You may also benefit from an injection for pain or inflammation, which can help you participate in physical therapy and aid recovery.
Call Tulsa Accident Care Center today for more information on neck pain treatment or book an appointment online.